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Infected Drum & Bass w/ BTK (+ Techno Floor) at Void Berlin
2. November 2018 I 23:00 - 3. November 2018 I 6:00

Fr, 02.11.2018: Infected Drum & Bass + Techno Floor
Drum & Bass Floor:
◉ BTK (Dutty Audio | Brazil)
◉ DJ Upzet (Out of Mind, VOID Berlin)
◉ Tba.
◉ Tba.
Techno Floor:
◉ Honschu Lee all night long!
Presale-tickets via paypal: 10€ to info@void-club.de
VOID Berlin – Wiesenweg 5-9 | 10365 Berlin
S-Ostkreuz | S+U Frankfurter Allee | S-Nöldner Platz
www.void-club.de | www.facebook.com/berlinvoidclub
www.instagram.com/void_club | #voidberlin